6 Myths and Misconceptions About Lab-grown Diamonds | Vella Diamonds


October 25, 2021

For a couple who’s planning to tie the knot soon, engagement rings and wedding bands are important pieces of jewellery that they must obtain. After all, without them, the engagement and wedding would feel a tad incomplete. Other than that, it’s also a social faux pas that would undoubtedly raise the eyebrows of your family members and that of your peers. With that said, it’s clear that the importance of both the engagement and wedding rings can’t be understated or underestimated. But why? Why exactly are these particular pieces of jewellery incredibly important? What do they ultimately symbolize for the couple?

Here, Vella Diamonds discusses the symbolism of the engagement and wedding ring.

Engagement Rings

According to jewellers, an engagement ring has plenty of meanings. In fact, its symbolism has seen a great deal of change throughout its history. For starters, in the olden days, their symbolism wasn’t as romantic as it is now. Remember; back then, people rarely married for love and more often than not, they married for financial stability or as a business deal. As such, in those times, engagement rings tended to be a subtle sign of a man’s ownership over a woman and even the social position and prosperity of the groom depending on what material the ring was crafted from.

Thankfully, the aforementioned symbolism no longer applies to a modern day engagement ring as more people began to marry out of genuine affection. Now, they’re considered as a symbol of one’s dedication and love for their partner. A physical representation of their fidelity and promise to eventually tie their life to their beloved. However, while it may sound hard to believe, depending on the ring’s design, the symbolism can go even deeper than that. For example, you can customize a ring to have a specific, special word or date inscribed in it. That way, it’ll mean something for both you and your partner. Other than that, incorporating different stones into the ring can also symbolize other things like diamonds for everlasting love, rubies for love, sapphires for wisdom, and so on and so forth.

Picking the right engagement ring to present to your partner can be hard, even with the aid of friends and family; we know that. As such, we at Vella Diamonds are here to make things significantly easier for you. We are more than dedicated to helping you find the perfect piece to propose with so don’t hesitate to turn to us for our advice and assistance when canvassing for an engagement ring.

Wedding Rings

Similar to an engagement ring, wedding bands also date back to the times of the Ancient Egyptians and Romans but also unlike the engagement ring, its symbolism didn’t change all that much through the years. Sure back then, it was still a subtle sign that a man owned a woman but there was always a more esoteric and religious symbol behind it. This is because in pagan practices, Christianity, and other faiths, the circle shape of a ring symbolizes infinity and as a result, it became the perfect physical representation of a couple’s eternal love and commitment for one another; a symbolism that we continue to maintain to this very day.

Planning to propose to your beloved soon? Making arrangements for your nuptials? Need a gift for your mother or sister? Look no further than Vella Diamonds, the number one jewellery shop to turn to when it comes to bespoke jewellery. With the substantial experience we have under our belts, not only are we more than qualified to help you find the perfect jewellery to present to your loved ones but we are also dedicated to aiding you in making the best choices when it comes to the ring’s materials. You can rely on us! Visit our website to learn more about diamonds and gemstones or see our large collection of engagement rings and wedding bands!


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