November 15, 2021

We all know the drill when it comes to weddings: guests arrive, the couple stands at the altar before the priest, the priest blesses the marriage, couples exchange vows and wedding bands, the priest declares them married, they kiss, and everyone heads to the reception to party all day or all night long. It’s formulaic, it’s familiar, it’s comfortable, and everyone knows what’s going to happen. However, because of that very same formula, some couples are beginning to find the traditional wedding band exchange rather…well…plain, to say the least, when they’re planning their nuptials. And as such, some are constantly on the lookout for ways on how they can spice up the ring exchange of their weddings.

In this article, Vella Diamonds, the pros to turn to when it comes to bespoke wedding jewellery, lists the five twists you can add to the traditional ring exchange of your wedding.

  1. Tree-Planting Ceremony – Do you and your partner care for the environment? If so, then why not add another step to your nuptials by doing a tree planting ceremony? While this doesn’t mean that you’ll have to get down and dirty in your wedding clothing to plant a tree on the venue, it does mean that you’ll have to obtain a potted tree sapling before the wedding. Then, before or after you’ve exchanged your wedding bands, both you and your partner will pour soil into the pot. Hell, if you want, you can even hang the rings on the sapling’s branches and let it act as your ring bearer for the occasion. After that, once you and your newly-minted spouse go home, you’re now more than free to plant the tree sapling in your yard. With this ceremony, not only will the two of you be able to put a twist to the traditional wedding band exchange but you’ll also be able to do your bit for the environment.
  1. Handfasting Ceremony – The handfasting ceremony is a tradition that has Celtic roots and if you want to switch things up with your wedding band exchange, this is one of the ways you can do so. To do this, after you and your partner have exchanged your vows and rings, you can also have your hands tied together to finalize your commitment and signify the strong bond that the two of you share with one another at the same time. Alternatively, on the other hand, if you and your partner don’t intend to exchange rings at all for your wedding, this is a nice alternative to consider since the symbolism is similar.
  1. Blessing of the Rings – Nowadays, when a couple is getting married, the rings are often left in the trusted hands of the ring bearer until it’s time for the bands to be exchanged. But if you’re looking to add a twist to the ring exchange, consider having your guests bless your wedding bands as you say your vows. If you opt for this, you can have an officiant or a trusted person give the rings to a guest and have them pass it around to give their blessings or well-wishes for the couple as they hold on to them before eventually making their way back to you. By doing this, the guests are somewhat involved in the wedding process other than being passive audiences and supporters.
  1. Tequila Shots – It is a truth universally acknowledged that alcohol can make any event more fun than it’s meant to be and that goes double for weddings, an event when alcohol just flows endlessly for everyone’s consumption. As such, if you and your spouse are a lighthearted couple and you’re looking to put a twist to the traditional ring exchange at your wedding, consider doing tequila shots during the ceremony as a form of a unity drink. If you want, you can even put the ring you’ll be giving to your partner at the bottom of the shot glass and drink the tequila to obtain it. Just…be careful not to accidentally swallow the ring or you’ll have a memorable yet incredibly awkward situation on your hands.
  1. Red Thread Ceremony – Most people have heard of the romantic East Asian story of the Red String of Fate, an invisible red string that’s said to tie a person to their soulmate. Depending on the version, this string is said to be tied to the couple’s pinky finger or even their ankles. With such a romantic notion, why not incorporate it into your wedding ceremony to give the exchanging of wedding bands another twist? To do so, just have someone tie the end of a red string to your finger and the other end to your spouse’s before or after the ring exchanging ceremony. That way, you can show that your relationship has an incredibly strong bond that can be stretched and tangled but never broken.

Finding it a bit difficult to choose which set of wedding bands suit you and your partner best? Feeling a bit pressured by your choices? Then, make things easier on the both of you by turning to us at Vella Diamonds. With years of experience under our belts, we are more than qualified and committed to helping you find the best rings for the most important day of your life. Whether you simply want to purchase a wedding band set or you’d like to have them custom made for a far more personal touch, you can rely on us! You may also visit our website to design your custom rings with us or see our wide range of engagement and wedding rings!


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